Vestibular migraine is one of the most common causes of episodic vertigo. Both vestibular migraine and Meniere’s Disease are complex conditions that manifest with a variety of overlapping symptoms including bouts of severe vertigo, nausea, and imbalance. These symptoms can mimic and coexist with other vestibular conditions such as BPPV, TIA, and PPPD. Best practice care of patients with vestibular migraine or Meniere’s disease includes education and a variety of treatment approaches in order to successfully identify triggers, manage symptoms, and reduce functional impairments within both disorders. This course is designed to explore the complexities of evaluating and treating patients with vestibular migraines and Meniere’s Disease. This course will disseminate diagnostic criteria, differential diagnoses, important examination components, and effective management techniques. The learner will be provided with resources for educating patients with vestibular migraine and Meniere’s disease. This course will also introduce the learner to a multidisciplinary approach to treatment and proper referral patterns for comprehensive care. The most up-to-date literature will be provided and opportunities for application of knowledge will be provided via case example discussions. Completion Requirements: 1. Completing all sections of course 2. Passing exam with score >70% 3. Completing post course survey Course Level: Beginner / Intermediate
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Location : Online
Delivery Method : Self-Paced Course
Hours : 2
CEU Units : .2